Saturday, October 31, 2009

Well lets begin by giving credit to where credit is due. This Blog is for an English course that I am taking. As part of the course, the instructor has taken a different direction than the traditional writing of essays and research papers. Instead the class is exploring online writing, each of us have created blogs. The subject of the blog is of our own choosing. They range from politics, to weaving and gun owenership. Over the next eight weeks our assignment is to regularly go online and post our musings, thoughts and viewpoints. It is the instructors hope and that as this progresses it turns into something permanent. At the moment its wishful thinking but who knows. I see it as a way to improve my writing for both personal and professional reason. Email, reports, meeting minutes and project status do not require much to bang out. Writing like this is requires the writer to tap into creative processes which I could use a little help with.

In order to accomplish this I’ve put together an outline. It will act as a roadmap for my posts and assist me with maintaining my thoughts as I go to accomplish this task. This seemed necessary since its not a blog filled with personal opinions or rants, where spontaneity is all that is needed. Instead a planned approach will allow me to write ahead as I follow the outline but post incrementally as our assignment calls for.

Enough about the English assignment, I have covered my motivation for this blog. Next, I’ll post a tad about my self and begin to discuss the subject I’ve chose to blog about.

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