Safety, Safety, Safety… We have a theme. Can someone guess what it is? First things first, when one handles a gun, always treat it as if it’s loaded and keep it pointed in a safe direction. This applies regardless of the size, big guns like a rifle or shotgun or a small gun like a handgun. I like to think that in the end of the gun there is a laser pointer and that I don’t want to “paint” anyone or anything with that light. Many of us are taught to keep scissors pointed down or in a safe direction, the same goes for a gun.
When you go to handle a gun, always ensure that it is empty, that it is clear it of any ammunition. Do this by opening the guns chamber and visually check with your own eyes that the gun is empty. If you want to handle someone else’s gun, go for it. But, first allow the person handing you the gun to clear it for themselves, confirming they have handed you an unloaded gun. Then, when it’s in your hands clear it again for yourself always keeping it pointed in a safe direction. If you don’t know how to operate it – in order to clear it, ask the person handing it to you how to clear it. Follow their instructions to check it yourself. But why take my word, the NRA, now don’t go thinking this is all political, will tell you the same thing.
Looking back at what I’ve written perhaps I’ve gotten ahead of myself. Like I pointed out earlier, I had gun safety training as a teen and again in the Air Force. I advocate that as a first step towards gun ownership. However, should you find yourself handling a gun then the rules above will prepare you for that encounter and ensure a safe outcome. Should an interest develop, then I recommend a formal training course.
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